Brisbane could soon be the most sustainable city in Australia.
Brisbane City Council announced this week that they aim to make Brisbane Australia’s first carbon neutral city.
Our environmentally friendly city has already started implementing changes to reduce our carbon footprint. All of the electricity the Brisbane City Council purchase comes from green electricity sources.
Along with this our council have been trying to encourage local residents to switch to solar power and hot water systems, as well as trying to encourage public transport use.
For the future we can expect the Brisbane City Council to implement further strategies to help lessen our environmental impact, including the introduction of bio-retention basins to help with water management.
Every city in the world should be aiming to be greener. The less energy we use means the less demands we put on the environment, and the cleaner and healthier the environment – the healthier we all are too. Even in our own homes we should be trying to do what we can to lessen our individual environmental impacts.
Congratulations to Brisbane for striving to Australia’s first carbon-neutral city! Are you trying to become more sustainable too?