Over the past few months I’m sure that most of us have never been so proud to be called a Queenslander!
We are very lucky to have such great people in this state – who are there to support each other and lend a hand when times get tough.
I’m sure that we can all agree though that some people just tend to go that extra mile and they give everything they’ve got to help out others.
If you know somebody like this then show them that you appreciate the effort they have put in for you, by nominating them as a local hero to be celebrated by our local communities.
Queensland’s selfless heroes of the floods will be recognised during Queensland Week (4-13 June) with events on every street corner showing how extraordinary the people who have helped are.
So think about someone you know who might have helped (or who is still probably helping) to rebuild your community and nominate them as one of Queensland’s heroes!
Visit the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website for more information.