When you’re looking to buy a home, the best looking home on the street isn’t always the best investment.
A lot of buyers seem to be turned off by homes that look a little dated, or aren’t particularly attractive on first viewing, but these homes can end up being great buys! You can save thousands of dollars on a home simply by putting in some of the work yourself and bringing it up to scratch.
So think about what it is that’s putting you off a property… can you fix it?
Retro walls – If old wallpaper or a bad paint job is putting you off purchasing a home, then try and picture how the house would look if it was repainted in colours more to your liking? Depending on the size of the home and paint colours you choose, painting generally isn’t very expensive and it’s something you can do yourself!
Daggy carpets – Old or stained carpets definitely don’t look too appealing when you walk in the front door, but they are easily fixed. You can either rip up the old carpets and get new carpet installed, or you may already have beautiful flooring waiting underneath the current carpets. Many old Queenslander-style homes have hardwood timber floors underneath, so all you would need to do is rip the old carpet up and sand and polish your beautiful new floorboards.
A dated kitchen – The kitchen is the heart and soul of the house, so you may be deterred by a kitchen that doesn’t offer everything you had in mind. Kitchens can be easily replaced though and there are lots of cheap, modern options available at places like Ikea and Bunnings.
Old appliances – If appliances are putting you off a potential home then these can be easily updated. You can buy cheap appliances online at website like www.graysonline.com or find great bargains at many discount appliance stores. Before you go to replace any old appliances though, just check that electrical, plumbing and gas fittings are all up-to-date.
There are many ways to quickly improve a home that may not look too appealing at first glance. Just make sure you calculate your figures first and make sure you don’t spend more on a home than you’re likely to get back when you sell. Also remember to have a building and pest inspection done on the property, so you don’t end up getting more to fix up than you bargained for!
If I’ve inspired the renovater in you, then you can stop by the Professionals Keith Brady Real Estate office and we’ll help you find the “doer-upper” home of your dreams!