A lot of Everton Park residents have been returning to work over the last couple of weeks, after enjoying a nice break over Christmas and New Year.
While we are back at work though, our kids are still on school break, and many of them are probably wondering what they can do to help fill all of that spare time.
A great website to find information for children’s activities is www.kidspot.com.au. Here you can get ideas for activities to do at home and outdoors, as well as events that are taking place near you.
Some of the suggestions on the website include art and craft activities, cooking, and science experiments.
During the school holidays another great place to head to for activities is the Everton Park Library, where there is always some kind of planned entertainment or activity taking place.
Hopefully all of the school kids in Everton Park are enjoying their summer break, and if anyone has any suggestions for local activities then please feel free to share them here.