Brisbane Keeps Growing

Everton Park Everton Park Real Estate | Latest News 8th October, 2010 No Comments
What do you think Brisbane will look like in 10 or 20 years time?
Chances are Brisbane is going to look very different from how it looks now. If you drive around the suburbs of Brisbane right now you will notice there is development going on everywhere.
Our buildings are growing taller, street landscapes are changing and there are big plans for much more in our small city. In a few years time we should have underground rail, new urban hubs and possibly even new bikeways and a Brisbane ring road.
Whether or not you welcome change though, all of this new development is needed. Brisbane is one of the fastest growing regions in all of Australia right now and all this new development and infrastructure and is needed to help cope with all of the people who want to call Brisbane home.
Hopefully all this change will bring about good things for Brisbane though, such as more places to see and more people to meet, as long as we keep our laidback and relaxed vibe.
Any changes that are happening though I’ll be sure to keep you updated!
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