It’s Time to Start Recycling in Everton Park

Everton Park Everton Park Real Estate | Latest News | Property Tips | Real Estate News and Information | What's Happening in Everton Park 4th November, 2011 No Comments
Next week is National Recycling Week which serves as a timely reminder that we should all make more of an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle in our Everton Park homes.
Some people may think that they already recycle a lot, but they may be surprised to learn that some of the things they throw away can actually be recycled or reused for another purpose.
There isn’t a lot that can’t be recycled in some way. You may already know that you can recycle things like paper, plastic and glass, but even old electrical items, old furniture and old reading glasses can be recycled into something that can be used again.
For example old reading glasses can be donated to Lions Clubs, where they are cleaned and sent to people in need in developing countries, and old electrical items can be pulled apart and their parts can be used again for other items. 
So this week start paying more attention to the things that you would normally throw away in your Everton Park home, and ask yourself if you think it may be able to be reused or recycled in some way.
If you would like to find out where your household items can be recycled around Brisbane, then click here to go to Brisbane’s Recycling Services Directory.
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