When is the best time to sell Everton Park real estate?

Brian Brady Everton Park Real Estate | Latest News | Real Estate News and Information 15th February, 2013 No Comments

street signsIt’s the burning question for anybody who wants to sell their house, whether you need to upsize, downsize, or move closer to work, amenities or loved ones.  When is the best time to sell your Everton Park home?

Many people think that waiting for spring will help them achieve a better sale price or sell their house more quickly, as they can take advantage of sunshine, blooming flowers and leafy gardens; however this is also a very popular selling season, which means you’ll have more competition.  Winter may not seem as attractive, as trees are bare and people may prefer staying cosy rather than attending Open Homes; however, if everyone thinks this way you’re obviously less likely to have as much competition.  Astute investors are also more likely to come out of the woodwork in typically ‘slower’ seasons, to avoid joining the herd and entering bidding wars.  In truth every season has its advantages – summer is a great time to show off your home’s fabulous outdoor entertainment area and/or pool, and autumn is one of the prettiest seasons with consistently pleasant weather for inspections.

So what does this mean – Is there a best time to sell Everton Park real estate?

The short answer is no, and here are the reasons why:

The best time to sell your house will be the time that fits in best with your plans for the future.  If you find a dream property to buy, you will need to sell regardless of the time of year.  Our advice is to present your home at its best, regardless of the season, and remember that all other houses forming your home’s competition will be facing the same conditions.

There are buyers looking 365 days of the year.  People will always need to find a larger home for their growing family, smaller home for ease of maintenance, a house closer to the right school, closer to a new job, etc.  There are millions of reasons people decide to move, and everyone is working off different timelines and schedules, so there is absolutely no way all buyers will have the luxury of looking for a sweet smelling garden on the 1st day of September.

If you’re thinking of selling and would like advice about your options, feel free to pop in to our Professionals Keith Brady Real Estate office for a chat.

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